Thursday, August 7, 2008

Walt Buster on Hope for the Future

Walt Buster

Peggy Maas on College Preparation

Tom Downing DDS on Importance of FUSD

Walt Buster Leadership

Loretta Aragon-Lopez Sees Students Taking Pride in Their Schools

Loretta Aragon-Lopez, Principal at Roosevelt High School, has seen a change in the attitudes of students over the past 3 years. Now, she says, "Students are eager to learn and eager to participate. They take pride in their school and the District. They want so much for themselves and we've got to give that to them. "

Diane Painter From a Teacher's Point of View (Post this video fourth)

Diane Painter is an biology and earth sciences teacher at Bullard High School. Diane sees things going in the right direction. She says there's more stability. Math, science, and special ed teachers are no longer laid off and then rehired every year.